Saturday, March 1, 2014

100th Anniversary of the Laying of the Cornerstone

This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of Guthrie’s current church building. On Sunday, May 25th at 3:00 p.m., the members of Guthrie will be celebrating this event, as well as 140 years as a community of faith, with a special service and meal. Everyone is welcome to join us in this celebration so be sure to mark the date on your calendars! 

Here’s an excerpt about the laying of the cornerstone from Helen Armstrong’s book 100 Years in the life of Guthrie Presbyterian Church, Alvinston: 

"The Corner Stone of the New Presbyterian Church was laid on Wednesday, July 1, 1914, when a very impressive service was conducted and supper served in the new sheds.  

Long before the laying of the corner-stone had arrived, many citizens and out-of-town visitors had gathered for the purpose of witnessing the afternoon’s proceedings. 

Rev. R.G. McKay and his son Alex at a wedding on the
A.T. Morrison farm which was later owned by
Mrs. William Lehrbass. Circa 1919.
At 3:00 p.m., the pastor Rev. R.G. McKay announced that the hour had arrived to commence the ceremony which was opened by singing The One Hundredth Psalm, followed by a prayer by Rev. N.A. Campbell of Inwood.  

Hymn, Oh Jesus, our chief Corner-stone, was then sung and Rev. Easson of Napier read the Scripture Lesson, which was taken from 1st Corinthians, 1-10. 

Rev. R.G. McKay then read a history of the church, giving the names of the different ministers and the length of their incumbency.  

Hymn Christ is made the sure foundation followed by the dedication prayer by Rev. McKay. 

Mr. Ed. Reader, Chairman of the Building Committee, then handed the trowel to Mr. P.A. McDiarmid, senior member of the session, who declared the stone well and truly laid, with fervent good wishes and a benediction upon the work. 

Addresses were then given by the resident ministers, Rev. Pherril  and Rev. Brittain; also, Rev. Forester, Campbell and Weir. Dr. J.B. Martyn, M.P.P. of East Lambton, gave a few congratulatory remarks. 

The hymn How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord was then sung and the benediction pronounced by Rev. N.A. Campbell. After this, over five hundred and twenty five people partook of the supper which was served by the women of the congregation. It was patronized by people of all denominations. The receipts of the supper amounted to over $130."
Cornerstone Postcard Photos Courtesy of Allan McNeil.

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